Sound Pedagogy: Creating And Curating Podcasts For Professional Development

Session Description

Learn about practical strategies and techniques for creating and curating podcasts tailored for educator professional development. Learn how to identify valuable content, script engaging episodes, record high-quality audio, and build a podcasting platform that fosters continuous growth and collaboration among educators.

Presentation / Materials

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Further Resources / Contact Information

Georgia Terlaje

  • TK-5 Instructional Coach

  • 35 Years in Education

  • UDL Coordinator

  • ISTE Community Leader

  • Co-host, “The Edge”

  • Co-host, “Storytelling Saves the World”

  • @GeorgiaTerlaje

Jessica Pack

  • ISTE Author, “Moviemaking in the Classroom: Lifting Student Voices

  • California Teacher of the Year

  • Adobe Innovator 2025

  • ISTE Community Leader

  • Co-host, “The Edge”

  • Co-host, “Storytelling Saves the World”

  • @Packwoman208

Matthew Winters

  • USBE AI Specialist

  • 14 years in education

  • UCET Past-President

  • ISTE Community Leader

  • Co-Host, “UEN Homeroom”

  • Producer, “The Edge”

  • @TeacherWinters


Building Learning Soundscapes: Using audio to creatively access learning