Album Review Template

Click on the image for a free Canva template.

If you have ever been on a video call with me, you know that I love music (also see my SongEDU series). My background is the fruit of years of dead format collecting and I love sharing it with anyone who jumps on a call with me. Music continues to get me through difficult days and fuel me on the good ones. So, while keeping that in mind, I wanted to develop a way for our students to share what they are listening to. I used to do this informally with students every day. “What’s are you listening to?” and they would immediately apologize, but then I would explain that I really wanted to know. Learned about some great artists that way, but I never really formalized it into a practice in my classroom.

This template will allow you to help build a more tangible practice with your students. You will find below a Google Slide template for four different album reviews. Each one has space for students to write a quick album review a la Rolling Stone or Alternative Press in the 90s. I have also included my Canva files as templates to let you remix the design, change up the colors, or make your own version. Please feel free to do so. Also, if you find out about a great new artist, hit me up on Twitter at @TeacherWinters.

Click on the links below for a free template that matches your classroom:

Album Review with Text Canva Template

Album Review without Text Canva Template

Album Review Google Slides Template (Add a new slide to see the other designs)


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