Book Share - Developing Digital Detectives

Daily Resource / December 9th, 2022

One of my favorite education-related videos over the last ten years is Richard Culatta’s “Rethinking Digital Citizenship.” It explores how and why we teach our students from a young age the dangers and prohibitions associated with technology, but now the proper ways to use technology for good, nor praise them for their good uses. It is an amazing deconstruction of why, as a society, we have determined that students can only understand technology in terms of the evils it can perform.

This talk is why I love Developing Digital Detectives by Jennifer LeGarde and Darren Hudgins. It is a deep take on how educators explore the digital spaces students enshrine themselves in and how we can work with them to be better users and discerners of information. It teaches both the student and teacher about some of the appropriate approaches to understanding the algorithm and the information, correct or not, it sends our way. Part manual for teaching digital citizenship, part manual for understanding how our emotions play a role in how we perceive information, it is a great document to dive deeply into approaches for understanding information, dissemination, and our emotions in our current classrooms.

Check it out at the link in the picture.


Blog Post Share: “An AI Wrote This Blog Post”


UEN Homeroom: KnowledgeWorks