Daily Resources, Artificial Intelligence Matthew Winters Daily Resources, Artificial Intelligence Matthew Winters

Resource Share - SlidesGPT

I, like many of us in educational technology, have been somewhat taken away by AI over the last few months. ChatGPT, Dall e, and Midjourney have been weekly, if not daily, topics of discussion, along with AI policy, frameworks, assignments, and assessments in education. For example, just in the past week I have run an edcamp session on AI in schools, developed coursework for an AI course, and shared a presentation with a local educator team on creativity and AI.

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Artificial Intelligence, Daily Resources Matthew Winters Artificial Intelligence, Daily Resources Matthew Winters

Canva Docs & Magic Write

After yesterday’s post about AI, I feel like cannot escape it now. That afternoon I was reading You are not a Gadget and much of the chapter was on the associated problems of artificial intelligence and algorithms. This morning I opened my email and there was another edtech company sharing their latest AI-driven project (more on that in a future blog).

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