Edtech Resources, Canvas, Canva Matthew Winters Edtech Resources, Canvas, Canva Matthew Winters

30daysofCanvas 2022: Week Three

Welcome to week three of #30daysofCanvas 2022! This week I am trying to incorporate some personal elements into each design. All five of these designs feature my photographs from the last few years. Join me for a tour around the world with the photos that I love to share with the larger community. As always, check them out below, click the gifs to head to Canvas Commons (login to Canvas first), and then download the design into your Canvas course. Remember that each of these designs is completely customizable by using Google Drawings or Canva, so feel free to edit them, but I would also love to see them. Share them back with me either via matt@teacherwinters.net or @TeacherWinters on Twitter. Enjoy!

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Edtech Resources, Canva, Canvas Matthew Winters Edtech Resources, Canva, Canvas Matthew Winters

30daysofCanvas 2022: Week Two

Welcome back for week two of #30daysofCanvasHompages! This week I am digging into some diamonds and building some connections with the larger world through these designs. As promised there are five new designs below that will link you to a Canvas Commons page to upload the design into your course. Remember from there, you can either make a customized copy of the image using Google Drawings or there is a link to the Canva design to make your own copy of the gif version of the design for your classroom.

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