Get Googley: Getting Started with AI

Daily Resource / January 30th, 2023

Artificial Intelligence is a topic that almost immediately makes for panic. I don’t know if it is the philosophical idea of humans creating intelligence or the demonization of AI through popular science fiction (looking at you Matrix, Transcendence, and about a dozen other movies), but every time AI is brought up, even pre-Chat GPT, it felt like the air was moving out of the room. AI is a tool and should be thought of as such. Like cassette tapes to the recording industry, AI is being worried about as a way for students to do less thinking and writing.

The reality is that once you educate yourself about AI, particularly in how it is already being used, it is easy to see that it forces us to rethink what kinds of work we should be doing as a human. Rather than route writing or little critical thinking, AI allows us to offload that work and focus on the more difficult tasks in front of us (critical thinking, editing, revising, creating, etc.). This video for UEN’s series Get Googley was produced with these ideas in mind. Let’s embrace and learn about what AI is and how it is a part of our classrooms already (Translate) and ways to explore it with students in engaging and interesting ways. Check out the video above and feel free to share it with anyone in your community.


UEN Homeroom Podcast - “Music In The Utah Classroom”


TED Talk - “How To Gain Control Of Your Free Time”