UEN, Daily Resources Matthew Winters UEN, Daily Resources Matthew Winters

Get Googley: Getting Started with AI

Artificial Intelligence is a topic that almost immediately makes for panic. I don’t know if it is the philosophical idea of humans creating intelligence or the demonization of AI through popular science fiction (looking at you Matrix, Transcendence, and about a dozen other movies), but every time AI is brought up, even pre-Chat GPT, it felt like the air was moving out of the room. AI is a tool and should be thought of as such. Like cassette tapes to the recording industry, AI is being worried about as a way for students to do less thinking and writing.

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GEGUtah Matthew Winters GEGUtah Matthew Winters

GEGUtah November Newsletter

Each month I help build out a newsletter for Utah’s Google Educator Group (GEGUtah). This month we have a great recap of a recent Google event in Utah, a GEGUtah Leader Spotlight, and some great resources from UEN, UCET, and the Utah Teacher Fellows.

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