GEGUtah November Newsletter

Daily Resource / November 22nd, 2022

Each month I help build out a newsletter for Utah’s Google Educator Group (GEGUtah). This month we have a great recap of a recent Google event in Utah, a GEGUtah Leader Spotlight, and some great resources from UEN, UCET, and the Utah Teacher Fellows. Check out the entirety of the newsletter to the right or at the link below:

GEGUtah is also looking for members to share out materials, ideas, and/or resources for our Holiday Gift Guide in December. If you are interested in sharing a resource or idea, please use the following Google Forms link to share your resource:

Holiday Gift Guide Google Form

As always, thanks and appreciation go out to the amazing team at GEGUtah!


Utah PCBL / Aurora Institute Article


UEN Homeroom: Utah’s First Lady Abby Cox