TED Talk - Enzo Romero


Daily Resource / December 5th, 2022

When I received my first 3D printer on a grant in 2016, I was already fascinated with the possibilities for creating and printing objects for my classroom and students. However, I started to see philanthropic work being done with 3D printers around the world, the most prominent was using 3D printing to help people who had their limbs amputated. What hit me about Enzo Romero’s TED talk “The Affordable, 3D-Printed Biotics of the Future” was the hyper-locality and sourcing of the work he does. Enzo lives and works in Peru and believes that building and sourcing materials from inside his country to keep costs down for his community is very important. “We have the capacity to develop our own technology, having the necessities of our people in mind,” Enzo says near the end of his talk. I deeply appreciate his commitment to developing low-cost strategies to help his community and develop capacity for the future. Really powerful.

Check out his talk to the right or at this link.


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