Utah Teacher Fellows Podcast

Daily Resource / December 2nd, 2022

Last year on UEN Homeroom, Dani and I were lucky enough to have an amazing conversation about how to approach teaching Native American culture in Utah classrooms and some of the best practices. The conversation was a great discussion with two wonderful educators from BYU, Heather Francis and Brenda Beyal. This year, thanks to the Utah Teacher Fellows Podcast and guest host Natalie Johnson, there is a follow up to that conversation. Brenda Beyal returns with the director of the Native American Curriculum Initiative, Cally Flox. Come learn about the Native American Curriculum Initiative at BYU and how it is helping to transform how Utah educators are discussing Native cultures. Listen to the episode in the link to the picture to the right.


TED Talk - Enzo Romero


UCET Podcast: USBE’s Digital Teaching & Learning Team