UEN, ISTE, ISTE23 Matthew Winters UEN, ISTE, ISTE23 Matthew Winters

Utah's Online School Library: A Model for State Library Best Practices

Utah’s Online School Library (UOSL) is a virtual library designed for all Utah publicly-funded K-12 students and teachers. UOSL allows users to research and share resources from databases, including Culture Grams, EBSCO, Gale Reference, Scrible, Soundzabound, eMedia, and Preschool Pathways. UOSL provides a model for other organizations to fulfill the needs of educators and learners in their own constituencies. The reference materials in UOSL are designed to support “lifelong skills of selecting information from a wide variety of sources, assessing its worth, and applying newfound knowledge to problems, preparing them for learning, doing, and problem-solving in college, career, and throughout life.” (Utah Core Information Literacy Standards). Come learn with UOSL!

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