Podcast, Podcasts, Daily Resources, UCET Matthew Winters Podcast, Podcasts, Daily Resources, UCET Matthew Winters

Podcast Share - UEN Homeroom UCET23 Reflection

I attended my first UCET in 2018. I had just come back from SXSWEDU week and I was on fire for more ideas and community. At the suggestion of my good friend, Quin Henderson, I headed to the University of Utah and joined the conference. I was excited to talk to a lot of the speakers as part of our podcast project at the time, Edtrex Rewind, and to just take in the conference. It was the first time that I had attended a state-level education conference and I was tickled by how much fun I had throughout the event.

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Podcast, Podcasts, UCET Matthew Winters Podcast, Podcasts, UCET Matthew Winters

UCET Podcast - Cultivating Teacher Leaders with the Utah Teacher Fellows

One of the consistent things that I have learned and continue learning about Utah education is that there are a lot of incredibly dedicated and hopeful individuals working within the system for teachers and students. Funnily enough, a good chunk of those individuals in the last few years have been connected to the Utah Teacher Fellows.

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UCET, Daily Resources, Wakelet Matthew Winters UCET, Daily Resources, Wakelet Matthew Winters

UCET Recommended Grants

I am a big fan of grants. They help teachers find the money to support their professional development and curricular needs. Whether you are looking at a grant for materials or to travel the world, there is a grant to help you fund your idea. However, I have found that many educators are unaware or under-aware of the grants available to them as educators. So, in order to help with awareness in Utah, I created this Wakelet collection that I add to a few times a year. It has national and local material and travel grants to apply for throughout the year. As a recipient of many grants, I would encourage any educator to find a grant that meets their needs and apply.

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