UCET Recommended Grants

Daily Resource / November 18th, 2022

I am a big fan of grants. They help teachers find the money to support their professional development and curricular needs. Whether you are looking at a grant for materials or to travel the world, there is a grant to help you fund your idea. However, I have found that many educators are unaware or under-aware of the grants available to them as educators. So, in order to help with awareness in Utah, I created this Wakelet collection that I add to a few times a year. It has national and local material and travel grants to apply for throughout the year. As a recipient of many grants, I would encourage any educator to find a grant that meets their needs and apply. Check out the Wakelet to the right or find it at the link below:

UCET Recommended Grants

If you know of a grant that I missed on this list, feel free to email me at matt@teacherwinters.net or through Twitter.


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