Conferences, Wakelet, ISTE Matthew Winters Conferences, Wakelet, ISTE Matthew Winters

ISTE Live 23 Wakelet Collection

Over the course of ISTE Live 2023, I will be adding resources, ideas, social media posts, and more to this Wakelet Collection. It will be organized by when I attend sessions from the beginning of the conference to the end.

If you are presenting or come across an amazing resource that you would like to share (with permission), please feel free to email me at and I will get it added to this collection. Thanks!

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UCET, Daily Resources, Wakelet Matthew Winters UCET, Daily Resources, Wakelet Matthew Winters

UCET Recommended Grants

I am a big fan of grants. They help teachers find the money to support their professional development and curricular needs. Whether you are looking at a grant for materials or to travel the world, there is a grant to help you fund your idea. However, I have found that many educators are unaware or under-aware of the grants available to them as educators. So, in order to help with awareness in Utah, I created this Wakelet collection that I add to a few times a year. It has national and local material and travel grants to apply for throughout the year. As a recipient of many grants, I would encourage any educator to find a grant that meets their needs and apply.

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